Got any jokes? Good, bad, I don't care. I'm just wanting to start a long points whoring session and build up a library of bad jokes. I'll start with one I heard today, Two old lady's are standing outside a nursing home smoking, when it begins to rain. Nonchalantly, one old lady pulls out a condom, pokes a hole in one end, and puts it over the cigarette, continuing to smoke. The other old lady looks at her and says, "what on earth is that for?" First old lady replies, "I got it at the ph...
Got any jokes? Good, bad, I don't care. I'm just wanting to start a long points whoring session and build up a library of bad jokes. I'll start with one I heard today, Two old lady's are standing outside a nursing home smoking, when it begins to rain. Nonchalantly, one old lady pulls out a condom, pokes a hole in one end, and puts it over the cigarette, continuing to smoke. The other old lady looks at her and says, "what on earth is that for?" First old lady replies, "I got it at the ph...
Okay boys and girls, little Joey found the marble in the oatmeal, you know what that means? That's right! He gets to drink from the firehouse!!!!!! Yeah.......yeah, that's how exited I get when I get to put up the christmas lights. Only this year, it's been three years. One in an apartment. One in Korea. And the last one before that, I was in Monterey. So I dug out the old light ball and went to work. (and I didn't even fall off the roof once. well, sort of once, but that didn't real...
Okay boys and girls, little Joey found the marble in the oatmeal, you know what that means? That's right! He gets to drink from the firehouse!!!!!! Yeah.......yeah, that's how exited I get when I get to put up the christmas lights. Only this year, it's been three years. One in an apartment. One in Korea. And the last one before that, I was in Monterey. So I dug out the old light ball and went to work. (and I didn't even fall off the roof once. well, sort of once, but that didn't real...
Ever notice that one of the quickest ways to get a compliment is to tear yourself down? It seems like people who would ordinarily never piss on you if you were on fire will tell you nice things if you publicly shred yourself. And the converse is true as well, say something nice, however true, and they're sure to pick at you for being egotistical and vain. It seems that we as people can't handle those who are out of dead center mediocratic ego. Try to do something, and you will hear a mi...
Ever notice that one of the quickest ways to get a compliment is to tear yourself down? It seems like people who would ordinarily never piss on you if you were on fire will tell you nice things if you publicly shred yourself. And the converse is true as well, say something nice, however true, and they're sure to pick at you for being egotistical and vain. It seems that we as people can't handle those who are out of dead center mediocratic ego. Try to do something, and you will hear a mi...
I saw Geezer's latest article the other day, and it reminded me of the multiple wierd pictures that I have located hither and yon on the net. Here's some of my favorites, most I've posted before. If ya like, show me some of yours. As promised, something you should never do to a cat....... How I think of chip's sofa............. The wahine grinch/hulk, just don't make her wouldn't like her when she's mad............. Squirrel fishing..........heh heh.....
I saw Geezer's latest article the other day, and it reminded me of the multiple wierd pictures that I have located hither and yon on the net. Here's some of my favorites, most I've posted before. If ya like, show me some of yours. As promised, something you should never do to a cat....... How I think of chip's sofa............. The wahine grinch/hulk, just don't make her wouldn't like her when she's mad............. Squirrel fishing..........heh heh.....
Still looking for a job. Possible considerations presently? Music/choir teacher, salesman, cop, Security agent for overseas (Iraq) government contractor (mercenary), govt. contractor, construction, farrier? However in honor of High Fidelity, a truly cool movie, plus it has John Cusak, another plus, here's my top five all time jobs, money and era not being an issue. 5. Stage actor, possibly opera or musical theater, but definitely stage, not movies. 4. Head henchman to evil genius, bu...
Still looking for a job. Possible considerations presently? Music/choir teacher, salesman, cop, Security agent for overseas (Iraq) government contractor (mercenary), govt. contractor, construction, farrier? However in honor of High Fidelity, a truly cool movie, plus it has John Cusak, another plus, here's my top five all time jobs, money and era not being an issue. 5. Stage actor, possibly opera or musical theater, but definitely stage, not movies. 4. Head henchman to evil genius, bu...
Here's something for all you Lovecraft fans that I found awhile from an ad on the Sluggy Freelance site. Sweet. I'm guess I'm doing their advertising for them, but I like their stuff. Been there done that, watched the Ancient Ones from the Stygian depths come forth and conquer? Get the What would Cthulu do T-shirt. I love these guys, they're plush cthulu, and plush cthulu elvis. Hail to the king baby. Hail to the king. They've got more cthulu kitsch here, including plu...
Here's something for all you Lovecraft fans that I found awhile from an ad on the Sluggy Freelance site. Sweet. I'm guess I'm doing their advertising for them, but I like their stuff. Been there done that, watched the Ancient Ones from the Stygian depths come forth and conquer? Get the What would Cthulu do T-shirt. I love these guys, they're plush cthulu, and plush cthulu elvis. Hail to the king baby. Hail to the king. They've got more cthulu kitsch here, including plu...
And keep it subtle, please. Pictures are okay, but if you have to say why, you've probably gone too far. Washington monument, power antennas, Kim Jong Il's Chu Che Tower, the golden arches, right before the eye opens on Bruce Campell's shoulder in Army of Darkness.
And keep it subtle, please. Pictures are okay, but if you have to say why, you've probably gone too far. Washington monument, power antennas, Kim Jong Il's Chu Che Tower, the golden arches, right before the eye opens on Bruce Campell's shoulder in Army of Darkness.
Hey there cowboy? Ever have this problem? Out camping in the woods, got a little something extra from the chili......time to go get friendly with a tree and take a load off your....mind. Oh no!!! You forgot to pack the toilet paper. Never fear. Just reach for that constant camper's companion, the north american porcupine. Now I know what you're thinking. A porcupine? Why not go for my old standby, the tail of the red squirrel? Well I'll tell you what, you'd be nuts to use a squirrel.