Did you hear about the hijacked shipment of Viagra in Seattle? They don't know who did it yet, but the cops are on the lookout for hardened criminals...... And on that note, I went to see Pan's Labrynth yesterday. Wow. And again, Wow. Mister Del Toro, that more than made up for Hellboy. Frightening, mysterious, astounding beauty mixed with unflinching brutality. And I do mean unflinching. Do Not Take Your Kids To This Movie. I'm thirty and watch a LOT of horror movies and it was a...
Did you hear about the hijacked shipment of Viagra in Seattle? They don't know who did it yet, but the cops are on the lookout for hardened criminals...... And on that note, I went to see Pan's Labrynth yesterday. Wow. And again, Wow. Mister Del Toro, that more than made up for Hellboy. Frightening, mysterious, astounding beauty mixed with unflinching brutality. And I do mean unflinching. Do Not Take Your Kids To This Movie. I'm thirty and watch a LOT of horror movies and it was a...
So, during my tireless efforts to be more aware of current events, and thereby a better soldier......(and for no other reason whatsoever) I watched the Daily Show and the Colbert report. What? They're news. Sort of. Look, they're not anything more than a funnier version of CNN and Fox with the gloves taken off. Anyway, I ran into this. Link That's right. Fidel Castro. With trouble related to an artificial anus. {snicker, cough} And people say that God is dead...........He's alive,...
So, during my tireless efforts to be more aware of current events, and thereby a better soldier......(and for no other reason whatsoever) I watched the Daily Show and the Colbert report. What? They're news. Sort of. Look, they're not anything more than a funnier version of CNN and Fox with the gloves taken off. Anyway, I ran into this. Link That's right. Fidel Castro. With trouble related to an artificial anus. {snicker, cough} And people say that God is dead...........He's alive,...
Wow. Those closely guarded secrets of warfare in the Ancient World? Yeah. There's a reason for that. They worked their collective asses off to figure it out empirically. Well, that and you don't want your neighbor to know the best methods of storming your fortifications. With that, I am proud to announce that after only six hours of careful work and consideration, I have built a trebuchet that will consistantly fire forward (when it releases at all) small snowballs for a distance of up to ...
Wow. Those closely guarded secrets of warfare in the Ancient World? Yeah. There's a reason for that. They worked their collective asses off to figure it out empirically. Well, that and you don't want your neighbor to know the best methods of storming your fortifications. With that, I am proud to announce that after only six hours of careful work and consideration, I have built a trebuchet that will consistantly fire forward (when it releases at all) small snowballs for a distance of up to ...
No s--t there I was, baked beans in the gas tank............oops, wrong story. I have decided, before I go to Iraq to fulfill my lifelong dream (and by lifelong, I mean at least two years now) of building a trebuchet. What might you ask, is a trebuchet? Think catapult, with a sling instead of a bucket. It is easily differentiated from other siege equepment; the onager, the mangonel, the scorpion, the turtle.......well, you get the idea. Outdated? I think not, my friend. Catapults were...
No s--t there I was, baked beans in the gas tank............oops, wrong story. I have decided, before I go to Iraq to fulfill my lifelong dream (and by lifelong, I mean at least two years now) of building a trebuchet. What might you ask, is a trebuchet? Think catapult, with a sling instead of a bucket. It is easily differentiated from other siege equepment; the onager, the mangonel, the scorpion, the turtle.......well, you get the idea. Outdated? I think not, my friend. Catapults were...
Last night about bedtime, I forgot a crucial difference in the two species. The analogy goes like this. Woman's car breaks down. Because it breaks down, she has to deal with crap all day. Taxi company doesn't want to pick her up, her boss gives her shit, she loses a vital oppertunity, whatever. Take your pick. She comes home upset, frustrated, almost in tears, and begins to tell her husband what happened. Men, this is important. Do not go outside and fix the car. That's right, don't go ...
Last night about bedtime, I forgot a crucial difference in the two species. The analogy goes like this. Woman's car breaks down. Because it breaks down, she has to deal with crap all day. Taxi company doesn't want to pick her up, her boss gives her shit, she loses a vital oppertunity, whatever. Take your pick. She comes home upset, frustrated, almost in tears, and begins to tell her husband what happened. Men, this is important. Do not go outside and fix the car. That's right, don't go ...
As part of the joys of preparing to deploy, we get to fill out these really cool packets that tell where we keep our wills, who our next of kin, all that good stuff. And funeral arrangements. Did you know that Jedi is now considered a legitimate religion by the Army? I'd love to see how far they would actually take some of the requests. I'm baptist, but I can so imagine a jedi funeral like anakin's in return of the jedi. Burial outfit, my black suit. Or maybe a clown suit. Or nekkid.........
As part of the joys of preparing to deploy, we get to fill out these really cool packets that tell where we keep our wills, who our next of kin, all that good stuff. And funeral arrangements. Did you know that Jedi is now considered a legitimate religion by the Army? I'd love to see how far they would actually take some of the requests. I'm baptist, but I can so imagine a jedi funeral like anakin's in return of the jedi. Burial outfit, my black suit. Or maybe a clown suit. Or nekkid.........
I had a p.t. test yesterday. Apparently it is possible to skip p.t. for six months, work out like crazy the day before, and pass the test. Raw score: 54 pushups, 70 situps, and a whopping 16:00 minute two miles. My worst score in a few years, but meh. The only bad part was the tape test (since I busted weight, obviously). 36.5 inches at the waist, and 15.75 at the neck. OUCH. Was it only a year ago I was cautiously squeezing into size 32s? Sigh......long way to come back. I also hurt l...
I had a p.t. test yesterday. Apparently it is possible to skip p.t. for six months, work out like crazy the day before, and pass the test. Raw score: 54 pushups, 70 situps, and a whopping 16:00 minute two miles. My worst score in a few years, but meh. The only bad part was the tape test (since I busted weight, obviously). 36.5 inches at the waist, and 15.75 at the neck. OUCH. Was it only a year ago I was cautiously squeezing into size 32s? Sigh......long way to come back. I also hurt l...
Heh heh heh.......I taught Joy how to knit yesterday. Do you see what you've gone and done, Dharma? Huh? Huh? I hope you bought stock at Michael's and MJDs before you started blogging about this stuff. Joy wasn't overwhelmed with desire at first, but I nagged her a little.........and voila. Give an obsessive-compulsive woman a hobby involving soothing, repetitive hand motion.........and you end up with three feet of chenille scarf in one day. Good grief!!! She's already got down castin...