Spc Nobody Special's Articles In Current Events
October 12, 2008 by Spc Nobody Special
The more I look at the complexity of the modern world, the more amazing I find that things hold together as much as they do. To me, it is not so surprising that the world economy could take a "sudden turn", and through a series of foolish choices, and lack of oversight take a serious fall into the shitter, but that it does not occur more often, and with greater consequence. My vision of a post-apocalyptic world is not so much a nuclear holocaust, or devestation wreaked by pollution,...
August 24, 2008 by Spc Nobody Special
Kenya took their first gold in the Olympic marathon ever!!!! Samuel Wanjiru ran a 2:06:32 in 85 degree heat! I'm excited and using way too many exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was beautiful, just one of those moments you think they'll never pull it off, they're going to strive mightily and doom themselves to acrimonious failure. That's right, acrimonious. BUT THOSE MORONS PULLED IT OFF!!!!!!!!!! Apparently nobody told them that there was no frickin' way to beat the olympic...
November 9, 2006 by Spc Nobody Special
Iraq, it's the new Vietnam, right? Let's see, we had prior obligations we ignored, it turned out the causes behind the war were spotty, and Henry Kissinger reared his ugly head yet again, right? Well, then naturally we should do the same thing we did in that war and pull out our troops. We acheived great results seeking "peace with honor" through the "Vietnamization" process. Or did we? Let's take a little history walk and see what happens when Americans back down. Today's trivia que...
October 28, 2006 by Spc Nobody Special
There's some kind of weird glitch coming up with JU. First I couldn't edit my articles. No biggie, I logged out and cleared out all my history and cookies. But now, everyone's homepage I get on registers as if I were the person who owned that page, complete with all their points, AND the ability to edit and delete their articles. I wanted to bring this up because if I'm not the only one, than anyone can get on anyones blog right now and total it. I hope this helps and I'm not bei...
August 10, 2006 by Spc Nobody Special
I mean, I knew we were broke. Really really broke. But can you imagine being the guy in S-1 to get a disconnection notice for failure to pay the electric bill for the post? (umm, excuse me, sir.....did you remember to mail the check yet? no? shoot........) That's exactly what happened though at Ft. Sam Houston down in Austin. It seems the Army is running about 530 million short on their garrison budget this year, and was afraid to stir up controversy by going to Congress to ask for it like...
October 16, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Well, you've done it again, Abbot.........we're swimming in feces now. My wife was doing laundry and going to the bathroom, (that's right, simultaneously, why not?) and the main drain just backed up to my house. And apparently there's been some good eating here this weekend. ewwwwwwwwwwww. Fortunately, the bathroom floors are just covered in grey water. If you don't know what grey water is, well, I won't enlighten you, but use your imagination. However the toilets filled up, then went down...
October 28, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Okay, spring forward, fall over, right? Something like that. Don't forget to change your clocks this Sunday. Otherwise, you'll boss will be happy with you come Monday, but you'll be having a sucky halloween 'cause you went to work an hour early. You get an extra hour back, so when you go to bed, if it's 10, set the clock for 9. Or whatever, but set your clocks one hour earlier than it already is. Now you'll be able to get up and go to church on time. Heck, you could even sleep in a bit, an...
September 22, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Nuts. People here are going hurricane crazy. Forecasts are showing that it's shifted east, so all we're likely to face are torrential rains, possible flooding, seventy mph hour winds, and a few tornadoes here. Shit, that's bad, but that's just normal Texas fall weather. But you should see the local grocery stores / gas stations / banks / anything. I'm set up sweet, just in case, but after the mass runs people are making, the hurricane hasn't even hit yet, and there's no gas, no water, and ...
September 9, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Just got back a few hours ago. Very very tired. I met my stepfather in Temple about 11 o'clock Tuesday, and we drove south to I-10 in Houston and headed East. It took about 10 hours to get to Baton Rouge, but over six to go those last forty miles or so. I knew it was going to be a bad day when we had to stop when a trucker got killed as we came into Baton Rouge. I don't know who he was, but he went off the road on the right and barely made it back on okay while we were behind him. We w...
September 5, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Over the last few days, I've grown tired of seeing comments like this float up like the fecal matter they are, over and over again, by people desperately looking for a scapegoat to hang the blame on. "That was a BS post, US help was so slow, so slow to act compaired to the actions that where taken for the victums of the tsunami over sea's. " HELLO! Aid is coming, and has been arriving as much as is possible for an impossible situation. But there's not a rescue or aid worker in the world...
September 5, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
There's a scene I like in Rushmore. The kid playing Max has just met Bill Murray's character, and they're siiting, facing forward. Max turns to Bill with this completely out of place question, and says "You were in Vietnam?" "Yeah" "Were you in the shit?" Bill Murray turns his head, with that deadpan look that says I hate myself and the entire world, then faces forward and says "Yeah, I was in the shit." Guess where I'm going......maybe. I talked to my parents on the phone today, and a cou...
September 5, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
"All other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man's prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power, of glories achieved by one nation over another. Labor Day...is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation." -Samuel Gompers, founder of the AFL- Welcome to another long weekend. You sit there at home, and completely fail to remember the true meaning of this holiday, those who.....oh wait, this holiday's for you. ...
October 27, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Looked outside tonight? No? Go fast!!!! Look up!! The moon is the most amazing shade of red from the eclipse we're having, RIGHT NOW!!!! Don't miss it, there's not another one that can be seen from the states for 3 years. It's a great glowing orange red globule floating in the sky. The color comes from the light leaking around the edges of the earth at a tangent to the atmosphere's (where the sunsets and sunrises are happening. It just peaked maybe 9:30/9:35ish central time, so if you look...
October 5, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Enter my rant. This is not a nice article. This is not a funny, cute article about zombie deer, or squirrels with enormous nuts. This is an down and out, set your flamethrower to kill, kiss my ass 'til my hat falls off rant. Be warned. I am weary, weary of soldiers being portrayed in the media as the poor pathetic victims of an oppresive, money grubbing, oil loving government, headed by a pyschopathic commander in chief, hell bent on a religious war of destruction. I am also sick to dea...
January 4, 2007 by Spc Nobody Special
Completely random update. I tried to file my DITY paperwork Tuesday on the last day of my leave, and oddly enough, the post was closed. They were planting Jerry Ford. Now, while I am all in favor of rendering due honor to dead presidents, WTF? They didn't close down post for Reagan, and they sure as hell didn't do it for Nixon. Why when they planted the 20th century Republican tribute to mediocracy did they chose to do such an honor? I'm always glad for another military holiday, but if it ...