Houston, we have a problem.
Published on October 28, 2006 By Spc Nobody Special In Current Events
There's some kind of weird glitch coming up with JU.

First I couldn't edit my articles. No biggie, I logged out and cleared out all my history and cookies.

But now, everyone's homepage I get on registers as if I were the person who owned that page, complete with all their points, AND the ability to edit and delete their articles.

I wanted to bring this up because if I'm not the only one, than anyone can get on anyones blog right now and total it. I hope this helps and I'm not being a complete moron about some magical setting I'm missing.

Love it here mucho, and thanks again for the free ice cream,

on Oct 28, 2006
on Oct 28, 2006

I noticed that tonight,  and once before..thought it was odd,  then wondered if that's the way it was supposed to be ( as far as seeing the points) I didn't realize that someone could also tamper with the edit button...yowser.....


on Oct 28, 2006
I've seen others' points before, multiple times. I hadn't noticed the edit button.

Are you saying that it's a constant state with you, though? Mine would usually go away rather quickly.
on Oct 28, 2006
Ah, so you're the one!
on Oct 28, 2006
It's gone now.......or is it?
on Oct 28, 2006
It crops up every now and then.

Like Herpes.

on Oct 29, 2006
AHA!  I wonder where my articles went to!
on Nov 01, 2006
This bug has happened to me before.