and I mean that in so many ways..........
Published on October 16, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Current Events
Well, you've done it again, Abbot.........we're swimming in feces now. My wife was doing laundry and going to the bathroom, (that's right, simultaneously, why not?) and the main drain just backed up to my house. And apparently there's been some good eating here this weekend. ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Fortunately, the bathroom floors are just covered in grey water. If you don't know what grey water is, well, I won't enlighten you, but use your imagination. However the toilets filled up, then went down, plastering....erm, stuff all over the inside of the toilets. Another plus, the tub and the shower each have a couple of inches of ....water, plus toilet paper poking up out of the drains, and everything that goes with it floating around.

Have I mentioned how much I love this town? So, having no water, no bath, half the clothes I need in the laundry, and no bathroom, plus the entire house smelling like what makes the grass grow long and green on my shower wall, I call the rental company. I listen to their entire message, get the emergency number. Whoops, did I say emergency number? It's a pager. Glad the house isn't on fire........

Got called back, they paged an "emrgency all night" plumber. He calls me back, and decides he doesn't want to drive out here. He doesn't say he's in bed, but you can here he just got woke up. Good deal. His solution? Go outside, and pull the drain access open myself, so that it dumps all the extra "pressure" out on my front lawn. He'll come out in the morning to look at it.

So now I can use one toilet carefully if I don't mind it coming out on the front lawn or possibly in my shower. Groovy. The house smells like shit. I smell like shit. (guess why, nevermind, here it comes.) I've got shit water on my hands and clothes from opening the f--king drain, my lawn smells like shit, there's shit on my lawn, and a beautiful three inch ring of sodden toilet paper surrounding the drain in a great big circle, shit in my tub, shit in the shower, shit in the toilets, and I'm sure there's shit in the washing machine drain, and the one for the dishwasher, but I haven't looked yet.

I feel like I'm in Trainspotting. You know the scene I mean.

Big help, mister all night "emergency" man. Fifteen minute drive and twenty minutes with the snake would fix my drain, then I could rinse everything off and go to bed. least if he doesn't bring the snake out in the morning drowning him'll be convenient...............or maybe he'll choke.

on Oct 17, 2005
Holy shit what a nasty mess!! (couldn't resist) I gagged a couple of times for you. I hope you are able to get cleaned up pronto. I can't handle that sort of mess! I think I would rather deal with puke although, that much puke might put me over the edge too.

Have you seen that show "dirty jobs"? They had one about cleaning up just such a mess. Ergh!
on Oct 17, 2005
Have you seen that show "dirty jobs"? They had one about cleaning up just such a mess.

Yeah, and it made me gag watching it....
on Oct 17, 2005
Yeah, and it made me gag watching it....

Me too! That's why I sympathise so much for Spc NS.
on Oct 17, 2005
It's fixed and mostly cleaned up now. He came by this morning and snaked it out. Roots in the drain from the mulberry out front.

Only things left really are to clean out the traps in the drains for the tub and the shower. I already got to unclog all the toilets from the backed up toilet paper mache........Oh well, never do today what you can put off 'til tonight. What's that, do I hear my transmission calling me?
on Oct 17, 2005
Sucks for you. Wow.

I'd have checked into a hotel.
on Oct 17, 2005
and you didn't even get a half-used dilaudid suppository outta the deal.

talk about being up shit creek w/o a paddle.
on Oct 20, 2005
glad to hear you got your shit together... and out of the way

on Oct 20, 2005
keep your shit together brother, remember shit happens and sometimes life makes sure those floaters keep commin back.
on Oct 20, 2005
on Oct 21, 2005
WHat rental company is this?
We need to pass the word since all of our SPCs can move out soon.
on Oct 21, 2005
WHat rental company is this?

Colonial. They've actually been great, and they usually call people up for repairs pronto. It was the plumber I was less than thrilled with then. If I'd raised a big enough fuss, I might could have got him in trouble, or got him out there that night. Just really annoying at the time.

Hey, remember when you used to umm.....what do you call it? Oh yeah, post your blog? I think it's still stuck on your Bambi in the Crock Pot article from what, seven or eight months ago.

I'm not saying you've got to take in the whole blogsphere or anything, but take a break in between MMORPGing and drop a line sometime.