Ummm....sir? I know you have a tank, but I really have to turn off your water..........
Published on August 10, 2006 By Spc Nobody Special In Current Events
I mean, I knew we were broke. Really really broke. But can you imagine being the guy in S-1 to get a disconnection notice for failure to pay the electric bill for the post? (umm, excuse me, sir.....did you remember to mail the check yet? no? shoot........) That's exactly what happened though at Ft. Sam Houston down in Austin.

It seems the Army is running about 530 million short on their garrison budget this year, and was afraid to stir up controversy by going to Congress to ask for it like me calling my Mom and asking for a couple of hundred dollars to see me 'til the end of the month. According to MNBC and the Killeen Herald, they fear that lawmakers will be irate and convinced that we're "throwing it away" on the war. Other people have said that there's plenty of money, and that the Pentagon is just bad at balancing their proverbial checkbook.

I dunno. But I know Bragg can't get office supplies 'til the new fiscal year in October, and Sam Houston is struggling in a lot of areas. What does it mean around here? Rumint says that some of the contractors have been laid off; I personally know a few that have had their pay seriously cut, and the grass is getting downright shaggy in a few areas because some of the units can't afford to get their lawn mowers fixed. (although I have seen extra-duty guys using push mowers......blech.)

I also know that down in the motor pool, if it's not a deadline, (something serious that makes a vehicle completely unfit to be driven) it's not likely to get fixed, 'cause we can't afford the parts. Anyone else out there feeling the pinch? Installation Management, you might want to call my Mom. As long as you pay it back sometime in the next couple of months, she's pretty good for a loan........

Definitely not speaking ex cathedra for the Army, but fixin' to write my congress peeps,

on Aug 10, 2006
Little bit more here. Link

on Aug 10, 2006
Here too. Link
on Aug 10, 2006
All I'm saying is...bitch better have my money!

on Aug 10, 2006
I would not take this task Mr. Phelps!
on Aug 10, 2006
Sounds like 94 when we were busting out war reserve parts in Korea since there wasn't money for maintenence of our vehicles. Thanks Bill.
on Aug 10, 2006
The military isn't the only folks running out money in this manner. Many of the agencies in the executive branch (NASA as an example) are tight on funds and shifting things around almost constantly to try to keep everything they have going on now going into the future.

There was an article in the Washington Times this a.m. about the pending budget battle and the likelyhood of another pork barrel laden omnibus spending package. Of course for those that are waiting for the next fiscal year it won't get here soon enough.

And before an idiotic former military type comes in and says it is because we need to raise taxes and generate more revenue I would remind all that the revenues are way up, but sadly so is spending. Gasoline and transportation costs are still higher than they should be (but then again, gasoline is realitively low in cost compared to a lot of other things and historically speaking), and budgets are all at near record highs, even if it seems that budgets have been held steady or experienced negative growth when inflation is factored in.

As a country we just spend too darned much and we've got to start cutting out more of the crap -- the type we're likely to get out of the pending omnibus bill
on Aug 10, 2006
As a country we just spend too darned much and we've got to start cutting out more of the crap

And crap does NOT mean Famiy Separation Allowance or combat pay.
on Aug 11, 2006
So you think I am good for a loan, huh? Interesting!
on Aug 13, 2006
ft sam is in san antonio, camp mabry is in austin.
on Aug 13, 2006
ft sam is in san antonio

It's sad that I didn't catch that. Shame on you, SPC. And shame on me, for not noticing your error. Hahahhahahaa.
on Aug 13, 2006
Shame on you, SPC.

Too right. Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Break out the scourges boys, I f--ked up. I knew better, just wrote it in a hurry and didn't proofread it up to my norm.

Regardless, broke or not, I'll never have the good fortune to be stationed there. (I've tried)Ft. Hood's about the best I can do.
on Aug 13, 2006
Regardless, broke or not, I'll never have the good fortune to be stationed there. (I've tried)Ft. Hood's about the best I can do.

Haha. Yeah, as much as I'd like to be in Texas, it's Ft. Sam or NOTHING. We definitely don't want to go to Ft. Hood.
on Aug 16, 2006
We definitely don't want to go to Ft. Hood.

But, but... then you could meet one or two more JUsers. (Then again, travel time isn't that different to t'other place, either.)