It’s true, I have took the blue pill, and entered into a world of secretknowledge and power Normal 2 31 2004-08-08T20:56:00Z 2004-08-08T20:56:00Z 1 1 1 9.3821 It’s true, I have took the blue pill, and entered into aworld of secret knowledge and power. Long, long ago, in a far away and strangebut beautiful land, (Monterey, Ca), the army spent entirely too much money toput me through a Korean language class at DLI To this day, I hav...
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And there were shepherds living in the fields nearby abiding their sheep by night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were sore afraid. But the angel said unto them, "Fear not, for I bring you tidings of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign to you: You will find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying ...
If you're even bothering to read this, I apologize. The reason I'm writing this. The only reason I'm writing this, is to push a huge photo off the bottom of my blog page. It's been annoying me for a week or two now, by widening all my other articles, so that you have to scan left to right to read anything. So, I'm hoping that this article will push it off the bottom. If in fact you've made it this far, let me know, and I'll try to mail you a full refund of the last 45 seconds of your l...
MUHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You actually are going to read more of my crappy poetry? Who knew? I know what you're thinking? When will he churn out more bizarre animal life or political rants? MAYBE NEVER!!!!!! Suck on my old poetry, dirtbag!!!!!!!!! The spheres careening through the glories of open space, Vast unseen forces in motion, pushing. Starry twinkles seen distantly 'tween smoky mists, A lone, scarred, wan moon, spinning past all, Great black holes, all consuming, Eight ball, corner pock...
I've got nothing. It's late, I'm tired, and I want points. So I'm taking a page from other bloggers' books, and posting some old high school/ college poetry. You know what I've deteriorated to with my limericks and haikus. Now you can see where it all started....... Celebration I celebrate the dawn, With all the world in silver gray, Laid as if in feast, the sky, In gold and amber, holds the fruits of morning, Gilded pears and strawberries, sweet as a lover's kiss, Rose red apples,...
Short update. For all three people still reading me....... Got to Ft. Huachuca last week. S' not a bad drive, about 2400 miles. It's been more than a little strange. Pretty damned chaotic. Of course it doesn't help that the company is almost as big as two battallions.......... It's about a hundred and umpteen outside, but this isn't a problem so much as coming up about 5000 feet in altitude. Can't breathe!!! (especially not when you're dumb enough to try 8 mile runs your first couple of...
Where have I been lately? Working two jobs and getting ready for my band auditions. If all goes well (or even not), I'll probably be back in the army in about three weeks. I've just about got music together, working on scales, arpeggios, picked out a couple of jazz tunes, an old rock tune from godspell, and a schmoozy chopin waltz, but I'm still completely mystified by what I'm going to play for a latin piece, and a ballad? What kind of freakin' ballad? Every Rose Has It's Thorn is a roc...
I'd hammer all mornin' I'd hammer in the evenin' all over the land............apologies to pp&m. I got it!!! Found a nice 55 pounder at a flea market for $65. I don't have a clue, but I was out there today heatin' and poundin' on steel. Just tried some basic techniques, but they worked pretty well. Bent the crap out of that piston rod again. Also practiced fullering and upsetting. (ummm, thinning and thickening the metal...sort of.) I will learn. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!! You are all in da...
This is my public service announcement for the decade, don't forget daylight savings time is tommorow, so set your clocks forwards an hour. Otherwise, you'll: a. look awfully damned sheepish at church tommorow, b. miss that extra hour of early morning farming......God bless Ben Franklin c. be late to the opening of the chinese buffet.....mmmmm..........general tsao........... d. launch the codewords an hour too late, plunging the entire world into total global thermonuclear wa...
Okay, this time I've got a real excuse for not posting. Went for an easy six mile run last tuesday night, next day woke with a fever and nausea. By wednesday night, I had run a hundred and three (and i run a degree and change low normally), and was ready to join the zombie deer in their quest for know, kind of like Dark Ash. From there it was like those joke tees about tequilla shots......One day, two days, three days........floor. Help, I've fallen and I can't get up. ...