Spc Nobody Special's Articles In Politics
November 20, 2007 by Spc Nobody Special
I think before I left, I made my opinions pretty clear about the Iraq war. For example. Link I'm not crazy about us being in two wars at once. I'm not entirely nuts about the reasons we went to war in Iraq. (to be fair, Saddam believed he had the crap, had used it in the past, and wanted to do so again) Then again, we don't go to war with N. Korea, and they've got frickin' nukes. (instead we bargain/get blackmailed yet again, trading massive amounts of fuel oil, one of the critical items...
January 9, 2006 by Spc Nobody Special
Surprise quiz time!!! You live in a "democratic" country. Technically, so do the north koreans, but we're trying to be literal. I think of it more as a republic myself. So you're living in this "democratic" nation, where you have a vote! You make the difference! Exclamation points are fun!!! We were created as a nation to the cry of "no taxation without representation." So here's an easy question, right? Who represents you? Do you know your congressman? Your senators? Somebody was talki...
May 26, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
My response to "Guns are for Destroying Things". . Link By banning guns, you fail to reduce violence. Violence is ingrained in man. All you achieve instead, is to reduce the technology base of law abiders one step below criminals. Forget the semantics about guns in particular. We're really arguing over whether it is right to be able to own a weapon, any weapon, something which is intended to harm another being. Anything. Anything, can be used as a weapon. Making some weapons more di...
April 16, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
I originally wrote this here, Link as a reply all the excess drama over Bush and Cheney saving money as a result of their tax cuts. However, largely because of length, (and laziness), I decided to delete my reply and repost it here instead. Apparently the far (and I do mean far) side of the left seems to think that this was implemented by Bush to save himself a (to him) insignificant amount of money, at the cost of devestating the poor and middle class. Well, I feel devestated, don't y...
April 4, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
There's an old Johnny Cash album I like from Carnegie hall back in the 60's. At one point he talks on it about visiting Vietnam with his wife and giving concerts for the wounded. Some reporters asked him if that didn't make him a hawk. His reply was no, he wasn't a hawk, but he might just be a dove with claws. I'm not much of a war hawk. I don't really care about Iraq, or Korea, or oil, or WMDs. But I also don't believe in being an ostritch. Trouble doesn't go away if you turn away and hid...
December 13, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
I recently became intrigued again by the history of our nation, and have been reading about a variety of things, including the Revolutionary War. In light of this, and taking stock of our roots, it comes to my mind that although many of us are proud to be Americans; soldiers, patriots, countrymen, many of us remain ignorant, or have forgotten our origins. Therefore, I intend (in installments) to occasionaly reprint some of the works and sayings here of these men, and others in our countrie...
November 9, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
And yes before someone calls me on it, I saw this quotation today, in the cartoon pvt. murphy's law, although I've seen it in the past and appreciated it. "War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance...
November 5, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
And continuing on, for those of you who love to wallow in self hatred of our nation, for those of you, bitter enough in the last few days to call america evil, tyrannical, or just call for it to "let the shit rain down" on it, For those of you who've said that we deserved what we got on 9-11, or that you hope the terrorists hit us again, if you can't move on, and work with what's here, without maniacal loathing of your country, may I suggest to you that if you can't work with the oppurtun...
November 4, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Elections are over. Bush won, Kerry lost. And your life is changed..............how exactly? I'm in the Army, with a war on, and even if Kerry had been elected, and chose to radically change directions in Afghanistan and Iraq, I don't think it would have directly effected any change in my life for a minimum of six months, if not much more. Why are you wasting your time still bemoaning the loss of Kerry and Daschle like they were martyred saving toddlers from a sure demise? Just wait, much...
November 2, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Just checked CNN, so far, the polls are showing Bush ahead, 56% to 44% of the popular vote, and 102 to 77of the electoral votes. He seems to be doing well, but it's early yet, and last year we didn't know for sure for awhile with florida, wait and see.......
October 14, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Simple rules, like the title says, short and sweet, who would you vote for right now? Bush and Cheney? Kerry and Edwards? Nader? Josef Stalin and David Duke? One of the other candidates? (I think it's about seven total.) Write-ins are accepted, but please, no insane political rants(on either side), just want to find out where all you would stand, if you voted today. The JoeUser polls are open for business........... P.S. Mine's Bush/Cheney, but I'd vote for McCain if he were running. ...
October 8, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
ARRRRRGGGHHH!!!! at the end of the debate kerry calls the soldiers in Iraq "the kids"?????????? He says the kids in their HMWVS are suffering????? The kids this? The kids that? Didn't he read my article??? Link And when is he going to stop saying he has a plan and tell us what it is damn it!!! I, and the soldiers I work with are not Kerry's damned kids. Boo on Kerry.
August 19, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
In an election year, when the entire future of the U.S. military is called into question, presidential candidates have become terribly enbroiled over the issue of their own military records. Because of this, John Kerry, the democratic candidate for president, has proudly promoted his service record, claiming to serve honorably and win several medals, including three purple hearts. However, ignoring the accusations by his fellow veterans, and the statement of a medical officer saying t...
August 9, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
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