Is that inflammatory enough for you?
Published on November 5, 2004 By Spc Nobody Special In Politics
And continuing on, for those of you who love to wallow in self hatred of our nation, for those of you, bitter enough in the last few days to call america evil, tyrannical, or just call for it to "let the shit rain down" on it,

For those of you who've said that we deserved what we got on 9-11, or that you hope the terrorists hit us again, if you can't move on, and work with what's here, without maniacal loathing of your country, may I suggest to you that if you can't work with the oppurtunity that you have here, that you get the fuck out.

There are plenty of people the world over who would love to take your place here instead. As some options, may I suggest several of the no doubt hundreds of countries throughout the world, renowned for their human rights, and freedom of action as well as speech. You'll no doubt be every bit as free to speak your mind there as here.

N. Korea - no wait, they'd beat you regularly, throw you in jail, and possibly eat you.
S. Korea - lots more freedom, but if you talk trash about the country and the politics, watch out, could mean jail time. Plus be ready to do your two years of mandatory military service.
Libya - nope, just forget it.
Iran - no cannibalism, and as long as you strictly follow Islam and never dissent, you'll be fine, right?
Ethiopia - lots of freedom, lots of food, for just as long as you keep lots of ammo, watch out for aids.
Somalia - see ethiopia
Rwanda -see ethiopia
Half of africa - see ethiopia
Thailand - plenty of freedom, friendly folks, beautiful women, your money goes a long ways, just don't sleep with anyone. see above comment on aids.
China - lots of freedom here, yep, love it, don't kill me, I said nothing against the party, everythings perfect.
Ireland - just ask the irish how much they love being a part of the great u.k.
Palestine, they've got it good right?

Well, there's still Australia and Canada anyways. Maybe this'll help. Link

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on Nov 05, 2004
MMMMMMMM! Rantaliscious!
on Nov 05, 2004
he he he . . . I'll bet you're well on your way to top ten with this one, SPC.

And for the record, I love America and I hope that things will only get better. I hope that President Bush will prove me wrong for doubting him and questioning his decisions. I want only good for our nation because is it the greatest nation in the world, and because I want a bright future for my children.

God bless America.
on Nov 05, 2004
This rant is not antiliberal. This one's against the whack job extremists that I've been seeing online all day. They advocate everything from death or jail to Bush, and everyone who voted for him (yes I mean you, mister death to bush blog), to secession, to advocating terrorist attack.

See the death to bush blog on ju, see the whacked out quotes, posted for your amusement on little green footballs, take the deep plunge, and see the democratic underground. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder if you should start carrying a shiv in your boot for protection from random looney toons.
on Nov 05, 2004
ummm . . . OK . . . *backs away slowly from the angry, hulked out SPC*
on Nov 05, 2004
I take full responsibility for pushing him over the edge... wait I didn't say "fuck america" even once... I take no fucking responisbility at all. Have at em.
on Nov 05, 2004
backs away slowly from the angry, hulked out SPC*

great, now just say, "David Bannister, I just slashed your tires"
on Nov 05, 2004
YEs he looks a bit green at times.
on Nov 05, 2004
great, now just say, "David Bannister, I just slashed your tires"

but I . . . I didn't . . . but . . . but . . . ummm . . . OK . . . David Bannister, I just slashed your tires.

*runs and hides*
on Nov 05, 2004
What about us people who hate the way things are but are willing to try and change them? Do we have to get out too?

~Curious Liberal

PS. If my president wins the next election I promise I won't make you move out for hating my pres

((ps this post is meant to be humorous, so if you're laughing, i've succeeded))
on Nov 05, 2004

Do we have to get out too?

Nope but you do have to stop acting surprised that a plurality of the country feels totally different than you. I guarantee that even if Hillary wins in '08 neither SNS or myself will whinge on like the lefties have here in the last few days. We certainly wont be saying "Fuck America" like so many on the left are right now.

on Nov 05, 2004

on Nov 05, 2004
History - or campaign against it and accept that you are minority party. That too.
on Nov 05, 2004
Not, so much as love as in love but love as in make love, hmmm America is looking mighty sex-ay, come here America you sexy thang you!!

Keep on preaching Reverend NS!!

Barry White Plinko for America!!

on Nov 05, 2004
I guarantee that even if Hillary wins in '08 neither SNS or myself will whinge on like the lefties have here in the last few days.

you guys might not whine, but I can't make any promises for myself. I guess I will just have to do everything in my power between now and then to prevent that possibility.
on Nov 05, 2004
That' what makes our country (USA) so great. People can whine and bitch and moan all they want to, but ya don't see them moving out in droves now do ya?

Personally I think it would be great if some of these whinay-assed people did move to someplace else, But then I'd feel kinda sorry for the folks who live in whatever country that would be because they would just take up whining and bitching there too.

It's good to stand up and speak out for something you believe. That's what our country is about. But hey, if you're in the minority opinion, and the majority says "nope, we want it this way" well, as the Eagles said "Get over it"
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