Spc Nobody Special's Articles In Sports & Leisure
January 23, 2007 by Spc Nobody Special
Running update.....late. Sitting at about 190, no big weight drop, but down a couple of percent body fat. Woot. It'll come more when the milage goes up. Okay, so, erm......17 miles two weeks back, last week I got sick on the weekend and missed out on a bunch, so call it the rest week that was supposed to be this one, and a whopping 7 miles. That's right. 7. Wow. Got a lot of knitting done though being sick on the couch. Yay. Finished dharma's hat, started matching socks, and a scarf for my...
February 18, 2006 by Spc Nobody Special
Heh heh, I did it. I'm gonna race next month. I'm running in the first ever Killian's Shamrock Half-Marathon in Virginia Beach. (they've had full marathons, but this is the first time they're doing a half with it.) Who gives a crap? This is my first race in over a year, and I'm finally commiting to my milage again. End results are, I've dropped twenty pounds, three belt notches, and I'm back down to about 8:30 minute miles on my long runs. I'm hoping to get this race in under 1:55. I fo...
November 1, 2005 by Spc Nobody Special
Now that I'm starting my run cycle again, I've been looking around for a short race to do. Well, I found one. There's a five mile "turkey trot" sponsered by Austin's Thundercloud Subs. What I'm wondering, is out of all you bloggers (many of which live in texas), is there anyone that wants to go run with me? It's on the 24th, (thanksgiving, no less), but wouldn't ya rather know that you're losing weight instead of gaining it over the holidays? I know it's nuts, but I'm game if you are. (...
November 28, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Went running today, got in 14 miles. An hour eight out, and an hour three back.......uphill. I know that unless you're a runner, blogging about it's about exciting as scrubbing tile grout, but it's my blog, so neiner neiner neiner. Two more months to go before marathoning. But I'm getting faster, stronger, better than before. Hills are no longer an issue. My resting heartrate stays about 50 to 55. My weight is dropping, and although the army says my body fat is about twenty percent, frankl...
August 28, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
Well I might as well be with the looks I get. I love to get up on a Sunday morning and run naked......from the knees down. It's great, finishing up an eight, ten mile run, and swinging by the house a couple of miles before the end to drop off my shoes on the way by. Enter the next question. What kind of dumb asshat runs barefoot on city streets? Is he insane? Gentlemen, I am that asshat, and yes, I am insane. After all, who in their right mind trains for a marathon in the first place...
August 23, 2004 by Spc Nobody Special
The U.S. has once again demonstrated it's athletic prowess in an area few of you may know about, but one that sends my wife into almost orgasmic pleasure at the mere mention of it's name, dressage. No, it doesn't involve thimbles or sewing machines. Imagine the horse whisperer meets dances with ponies. It's been called ballet on horseback. Check it out here. Link While the horses alone are something out of a little girl's my little pony fantasy, the moves in this sport are amazing. Espec...