Running update.....late. Sitting at about 190, no big weight drop, but down a couple of percent body fat. Woot. It'll come more when the milage goes up.

Okay, so, erm......17 miles two weeks back, last week I got sick on the weekend and missed out on a bunch, so call it the rest week that was supposed to be this one, and a whopping 7 miles. That's right. 7. Wow. Got a lot of knitting done though being sick on the couch. Yay. Finished dharma's hat, started matching socks, and a scarf for myself.

This week is a day and a half old (I do running weeks Monday to Monday) and I'm right under 4.5 miles. The target this week, 19 to 20. Meh. Gotta go, my bath water just filled up too much and now it's going to be too cool, damn you, Army efficiency water heaters, damn your eyes.

Almost a runner again,

on Jan 25, 2007
190? Thats a pipe dream for me...
on Jan 27, 2007
Thats a pipe dream for me...

True, but you're also a good six inches or so taller than me.