What do ya mean I can't march with piano.
Published on November 29, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
Well, that's about it. I'm out of money, I'm not making enough, and whatever you're about to suggest for getting a job, I've tried it. Attempting to gain alternate certification for teaching has failed. You have to be able to get hired. So far, I've got half of a position, not enough. The biggest killer at my interviews? Not an experienced teacher. sigh............(so you'd rather finish the year with frickin' substitues?) Solution? Back in the Army I go. Woot.

So now that I now where I'm going, the question is what do I do when I get there? Will they try to cram me back into my old MOS? (the obvious answer being yes, but can they make it stick?) Should I reclass to arabic? Join the Army Band? Why not infantry? Hell, what about special forces? The only thing I can easily rule out is OCS, because I can't afford to wait long enough to get together an officer packet.

Really what it comes down to, is band, or my old MOS, but in arabic. My wife wants me to go Band, but I don't know. I don't know how long the auditioning will take. I don't know if I want to take a job where I'd have to wear class A's all the time, or God help me, dress blues. Plus, like the man said, you can't march and carry a piano, so I'd have to vastly improve my clarinet skills or something. Big bonus though, and an automatic promotion to sergeant. I could stay with the band for just a few years, bone up on my music, let my wife finally get her degree, clean up my finances a bit, and head into professional music when I get out. If I chose to get out. Who knows, professional opera, musical theater, concerts......................

Or Arabic. I'm very, very good at my job, just sucky at the language side with korean. (although oddly enough, this wasn't much of a barrier.) I enjoy being in the know, and having a clearance. I like being a part of what was actually influencing what was going on. On the other hand, in six years I was in, I only actually did that part for less than a year. If I do go this route, it's definitely for the rest of the twenty years to retirement, but then again, that's probable even in the band.

Oh well, we'll see. And remember, don't think of it as rejoining an organization you didn't like (yes, I know, largely my attitude, although not wholly), think of it as being to much of a failure at life to remain a civilian and still make a living. Toodles, and goodnight.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 30, 2005

Bands need pianists. I have actually seen keyboardists and pianists performing on the side of the marching band. their equipment is already waiting for them. Also, they may need accompanists, especially for practices.

So try in piano. The worst they can say is no. Maybe they'll make you a percussionist.

Sorry you couldn't find a job. I wish I could have helped more. Good luck Sarge!
on Nov 30, 2005
There isn't a Rock, Jazz or Country band out there who could use a good piano/keyboard player? Not that I don't think you'd do great if you got back in, but the road can't be all that bad! Course, it doesn't come with the pay, benefits and other plusses that come with military service, but then again, if you're first love (careerwise) is music, don't give up on it too easily.
on Nov 30, 2005
There is the accordian.  Good luck.
on Nov 30, 2005
Join the AF Mid-America band and come joind D and I at AMC headquarters here at Scott.

It's not so bad.....actually, we just court martialed someone from the band. Torched his own car for the insurance money....yeah, he wasn't too smart. Had a hard time spelling his own ast name, as I recall. So much for the enlistment requirements, I guess those go out of the window if you're with the band, huh?
on Nov 30, 2005
So much for the enlistment requirements, I guess those go out of the window if you're with the band, huh?

Remember, there's a waiver for EVERYTHING.

So try in piano. The worst they can say is no. Maybe they'll make you a percussionist.

Silly goose, a pianist is a percussionist. Hammers on strings and whatnot, ole chap.

There isn't a Rock, Jazz or Country band out there who could use a good piano/keyboard player?

Know another band that starts out at thirty-five grand and's hunting around here? I'd learn polka for that.

There is the accordian. Good luck.

I've got one. It badly needs an overhaul and I'm still trying to figure out the buttons. I figured out that it moves in fifths across, and changes the type of chords going down, but who the hell can think circle of fifths that fast? I'll have to just memorize the damn thing before I join any zydeco groups, ya know?
on Nov 30, 2005

I've got one. It badly needs an overhaul and I'm still trying to figure out the buttons. I figured out that it moves in fifths across, and changes the type of chords going down, but who the hell can think circle of fifths that fast? I'll have to just memorize the damn thing before I join any zydeco groups, ya know?

I was reminded of an accordian by one of the Mash Episodes with the USO.  If you can do a Piano, you will catch on to this.  You have talent.  Something a lot of us just wish we had.

on Nov 30, 2005
You could try auditioning with the piano, or at least asking about it. Look into the Air Force band(s), actually... I wrote (quoted?) an article awhile back about the AF Band taking civilians left and right.

Look into your options as a Golf. Arabic could be good for you, but I hope you don't mind the sand...

Best wishes and God Bless, Ben.
on Nov 30, 2005
Just never mention that you speak the devil language, or DLPT in it. They may be not interesting in KPs today, but you don't want to be caught up a year from now. btw, I will shed a tear for you when you re-up so you won't be the only one.
on Nov 30, 2005
Tropic Lightning Band!

on Nov 30, 2005
on Nov 30, 2005
Arabic could be good for you, but I hope you don't mind the sand...

Like, all the sand you were exposed to at the beach in Monterey? Or that caliche crap on west Fort Hood? Maybe on the bottom of the beer bottles in Germany.............

Just never mention that you speak the devil language, or DLPT in it.

What do ya mean Korean? I've completely forgotten it. Oh, I got zero questions right on this DLPT? Darn, that's too bad. It's kind of a given that they find out since they have to know my MOS though.

Tropic Lightning Band!

Cool. Just one question though. How the hell did a trombone player get a combat patch? Did he blow mortars out of his horn or his butt at the insurgents or something? Do they have french horns that set off Wiley Pete? Anti-tank euphonium sabot rounds? No no......I bet he plays a killer alto sax.
on Nov 30, 2005
How the hell did a trombone player get a combat patch?

I guess the bands have their "shake 'n bakes" too. ;~D


This article keeps reminding me of a guy in my basic training unit. He joined the Army as a French Horn player. When we were going some of the more intense combat training we all had fun messing with him about going through all that just to play the French Horn! ;~D
on Dec 01, 2005
On the plus side,

if you go to monterey, you could run in one of the various events at the big sur international marathon.
on Dec 01, 2005
Marathons? Whatever. Going back to Monterey means the hot roast beef sandwich at Margie's! And don't forget the Pac-Man Cocktail Table at Round Table Pizza.

That also reminds me of my tradition of eating McDonalds for lunch before every PT test. Good times.
on Dec 01, 2005

Needs more cowbell!

That's the job for you, methinks!
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