I think therefore I might?
Published on October 27, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
Today is the mother of all days. I finally interviewed for the elementary music position in Killeen. The principal was nice. She has cats. I have cats. Cool. Meow.

I don't know. My interview this time was a little more rambling than the last, and I had some questions that I honestly had to plead ignorance or inexperience to. "So what do you think of the pedagogical methods like Kodaly and Orff?" Oh shit. I think I haven't looked at them for six years. I babble nonesense that shows I know what they're talking about, but desperately need to review before I get into that. Next question?

"So what workshops have you had, and how have they affected your teaching experience?" Workshops? Ummm.....dude. I just got out of the army. I went to PLDC, does that count? I level with them, then claim ongoing musical experience playing, teaching and listening outside of school.

They say they're interested, but need to finish checking me out through the KISD admin. Are they being polite to keep me from going amok with a hockey stick? Or do they really want me? And let's not forget I'm still waiting for results from the certification test. Which is also ambiguous.

Oh well, there's always construction..............
Ambiguously yours, maybe,

on Oct 27, 2005
good luck on this. what school were you applying for?
on Oct 27, 2005

What is KISD Admin?  If it costs money, they are very interested!  You dont check out those you have no intention of hiring!

best of luck!

on Oct 27, 2005
best as always. and who are those folks?

" Kodaly and Orff?" hmmmmmmmmmm???????
on Oct 27, 2005
I hope this works out for you. I have a friend that's a high school teacher in Kileen. You have to figure that if it's meant to be it will work out. This is what I tell myself so I don't feel bad when things don't work out the way I want them to.
on Oct 27, 2005
What is KISD Admin

Killeen Independent School District. The administration and or human resources department of same.

what school were you applying for?

Trimmier Elementary

Kodaly and Orff

Different schools of music pedagogy. (ways to teach)

Carl Orff was heavy into participation. He got the kids moving, singing, dancing, speaking, or playing with the music. Got them involved. He also wrote an opera called Carmina Burana.

The old pun was "You say Carmeena, I say Carmyna, You Say Bureena, I say Burana, Carmeena Cramyna Bureena Burana, Let's Carl the whole thing Orff.

Kodaly invented an interesting system based on traditional Hungarian singing. (worked heavily with Bartok.) He emphasized singing, listening and ear training. He also made the do-re-mi type solfege a big time part of learning music. You do realize that I only remember this because I went back and looked it up, right? Crap it's been at least six or seven years.

I hope this works out for you

Thanks, wait and see I guess.

on Oct 27, 2005
You do realize that I only remember this because I went back and looked it up, right?

At least you went and looked it up. Think of all those people who got questions wrong on a promotion board or somesuch that got SGT and never looked that stuff up...

It's a parallel. I don't know how good of one it is, but it's there.