So what does it for you? Ghouls? Hobgoblins? Vampires? Moth-eaten werewolves with fangs? I've been thinking, every halloween, somehow I'm the one that ends up passing out candy, so I end up stuck in front of the TV watching some old scary movie, and stopping to answer the door every five minutes.
But then I was struck with a thought. Aha!!!! What if I invited a bunch of people over in costume, and moved a couch, a bunch of chairs and a big TV outside, and had an all night outdoors fright night film fest? We could keep all the candy right there, and people could come and go, watch the scary movies, get candy, maybe play a game or two, and have a good old time in general.
But what movies? (and now is the time to start getting them together.)
I'm thinking start with Nightmare Before Christmas (popular and since it's early, there'll be more kids.) Then work my way straight into the gore and guts with Evil Dead II. It's Bruce Campbell, you can't lose. Follow up with Dead and Breakfast, it's new, it's cheesy, it's brilliant, and it's got David Carridine. Then I'll hit 'em hard and fast with The Crow.
After that, I'm thinking it needs a touch of 80's camp, like Fright Night or Lost Boys, but I haven't completely ruled out Monster Squad ("wolfman's got nads?") That'll bring us to maybe one in the morning, then a quick one two punch for anyone left standing with The Grudge, What Lies Beneath, then finish 'em of with Thirteen Ghosts, and lastly my personal favorite, the old Night of the Living Dead (the only one ever to give me nightmares.)
These are some of my halloween favorites, what's yours?