and other general news.....
Who knew preying mantises could fly? I do now......and so do my cats. I've been watching them follow one around the living room for the last twenty minutes. They finally caught it, and now they're all sitting around in a medicine circle trying to decide what to do with it. Ha!
This is just a down and dirty general update on the life o' me. Ben Baker, Nobody Special. (oops, my secret identity is showing.) Today I finally ordered some blacksmithing type coke. I found it dirt (which I guess it is, sort of) cheap at a place called C&M Horseshoe Sales in Conroe, near Houston. I ordered two hundred pounds for about 60 bucks (Joy, please don't kill me.) It's the shipping that kills ya though.
Shipping was around 40, and it should be here tommorow or the next day. It might have been about the same after gas, if I'd gone to that place near Austin, but I would have had to take the time to drive to Austin. Which I would have enjoyed. And would have got me out of my stir crazyness/depressive funk from sitting around without a job. Damn.
Which brings me to the next bit o' fun. I was supposed to have a job interview with a very nice large scale furniture sales type store today. But I didn't. Blech. But I get to go tommorow. And worry about it til then. Yay!!!! Alternately, I'm putting in for a job on Ft. Hood as an electricians helper/apprentice/peon at 18 an hour. Woot. Not too bad if I got it though.
This weekend I met the guy who got my choir teaching job. And the bastard had the temerity to be smart, polite, well spoken, organized, friendly, talented, competent and likable. Damn his eyes. Now I may have to go and be friends with him. ARRRRGGGGHH!!!!
I also started a new running cycle today to start prepping for a marathon in February. And bought a used lawnmower. Now I'm wondering whether to "destroy all humans" on the playstation, or watch Blues Brothers before bed. Meh. Who cares? Not even me any more. And that's all you need to bring you up to date on my life. The End.