Army health care in it's finest hour..........
So I'm still Army for all of one more day, when I get the bright idea to copy my medical files before turning them in permenantly tommorow. I'm cruising along xeroxing past my hospital stay for pneumonia, when I run across the line spontaneous abortion.......WTF???
According to my records, apparently I visited the hospital sometime in the last 6 months for a D and C following my third miscarriage...........who knew? Apparently the fact that I haven't yet been knocked up and oh...yeah, I'm a man never entered their mind while misfiling some poor lady's paperwork (which I'm sure will never find it's way back to her records.) It seems odd that they didn't at least bring it up during my paperwork review at my ETS physical.
Sigh........and I'd make a GREAT mommy too. Oh well, maybe I'll make it the next time................