Woohoo!!! Century mark and droppin' like a rock.
Published on May 11, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
So......big Day 100. Here's a day at work.

1. Honed my body, making myself a more effecient killing machine.

2. Performed a mission essential task as a well trained, intelligence professional, thereby making the world in general, and Iraq in particular a safer place to be.

3. Used said well honed, and professionally trained body to clean urinals and sweep floors...........(most enjoyable part of my day, and probably the bit that makes a greatest difference in the world, Woot!)

on May 11, 2005
3. Used said well honed, and professionally trained body to clean urinals and sweep floors...........(most enjoyable part of my day, and probably the bit that makes a greatest difference in the world, Woot!)

Yay! good on ya! The world is a little bit cleaner thanks to you
on May 11, 2005
At least your training isn't going to waste on unimportant tasks.