Published on April 20, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
A simple points whoring question that probably won't earn me any points, what scare the piss out of you? Bugs? Monsters under the bed? John Kerry in '08?

For me, it's red paper wasps, and George Romero type zombies.

That girl with the broken neck climbing down the stairs in The Grudge made me jump, but doesn't scare me near as bad as a wasps nest.

If you want to get philisophical or political in your answer that's fine, but I'm looking for primal type fears, here. What turns your hair white and your pants wet?

Oh yeah, and if you don't answer? I'm afraid I might cry...........

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 13, 2005
to make a long story short... basically any impaling device near anyone's eye just creeps the bejebers out of me.....
on May 18, 2005
I can honestly say that I don't have of the irrational fears. Snakes, spiders, birds, dogs, wasps, weeds (LOL), whatever, they just don't bother me. Been snakebit twice (copperheads), stung more times than I can count, spider bit a few times, etc... Maybe I'm just not smart enough to be afraid of them.

The one thing that can make me a little nervous is a gas stove or other gas appliance as I had a gas stove explode in my face when I was a little kid. OK, I was playing with it when I wasn't supposed to. My fault. It pretty much demolished the kitchen and nearly burned down the house. I spent a couple of weeks in the hospital.

To this day I get a slightly nervous feeling if I have to light or work with a gas appliance. I still do it, but am a tad uneasy with it. Could be why I always prefer a campfire to a camp stove.
on May 18, 2005
Heights. Fire. Drowning (I think suffocation too).
on May 19, 2005
Lingering death.. losing my mind... both these scare the shit outta me.

Ditto! Plus being locked up in small closed in spaces.
on May 19, 2005
Driving in the rain, I just can't do it without tensing up to the point of headaches, for that matter, I get beyond uncomfortable whenever I'm a passenger and not the driver of an automobile ( I have to drive on all family trips, and my kids are trumatized by memories of my driving lessons..)

I know, it's a control issue, wrapped in a superiority complex, served with an irrational fear of auto accidents.
on May 19, 2005
Nothing irrational about a fear of auto accidents.
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