'cause it didn't all solve the first time......
Happy New Years!
What's heading up your new year's resolutions this year? Did you wait to the last minute? Here's a few of mine to get you started....
This year I resolve to........
1. Eat out no more than once a week.
2. Stay able to wear the same pair of pants.
3. Run two thousand miles this year. (see resolutions one and two)
4. I will be nice to the squirrels, I will be nice to the squirrels, I will be nice..........
5. Stop cussing. Period. No matter how tempting at work or while blogging. @#@%%!!#!@%%!!!!
6. Stop pussyfooting around, and do the body work on my Mustang, which loves me and is suffering a great deal of pain from metasticized cancer of the roof panel.
7. Go back and finish the really hard bit where they take away all your weapons on Red Faction. (See resolution five)
8. Build a working trebuchet. Like I meant to. Three months ago.
9. Experiment with metal working, starting with wet sand molding that tommahawk.
10. Finsh stop loss and ETS, or die trying.
11. Learn how to spell Finsh.
12. Figure out what the hell I'm going to do with myself post-Army. (See resolution 10)
13. Be a better husband to my wife (I think I'm doing well, but the best way to keep a marriage is to commit to it, and to never quit working on it.), and a better umm.... owner (possesion?) to my cats.
14. Use my mastery of the Force to pilot an X-wing fighter to the combat headquarters for the evil Empire (aka Walmart) and photon torpedo their generator through a hole no bigger than a womp rat. Yeah.
I know I'll be slow getting replies, since I haven't blogged much the last month, but let me know what you think, and some of your resolutions.
Spc. Nbs.