Published on December 1, 2004 By Spc Nobody Special In Current Events
Hadn't blogged in a few, just don't feel up to it lately. Usually the holiday season's one my favorite times of year. But this year it just doesn't feel right. Been tired, cranky, depressed, angry. Bleh.

Got my lights up, and brought a tree home, but it's been three days, and I still haven't finished decorating it, just kind of picked at it. Just don't feel like it. Hell, I've still got a few things out from halloween. I'll keep watching, but I may not write much for a little while, just wanted to update. This year the holidays just don't feel good.

Meh. I'm going to bed.

on Dec 01, 2004
Seems to be alot of that going around, try to get a good nights sleep.
on Dec 01, 2004
Working through the holidays really puts a cramp on the spirit of the season...
on Dec 01, 2004
Hope you feel better soon. Get some rest & cheer up ok
on Dec 01, 2004
Seems to be alot of that going around

Yes, indeed.

Get some rest, and I hope the "blues" leave soon!
on Dec 03, 2004
On a brighter note I am told that with enough repitition sodomy stops hurting.
on Dec 03, 2004
On a brighter note I am told that with enough repitition sodomy stops hurting.
