Have you joined the military? Are you tired? Bored? Deployed? Burnt out? Spent too much time away from your wife? Well have we got a deal for you! It's called the federal holiday! That's right friend, each and every federal holiday, we're going to give you off! But wait, there's more, you don't just get the holiday off, you get the weekend days surrounding it off as well!
(this limited offer does not include tax, title, or license, most people who are deployed, busy, on an active mission, exercise or the duty roster. Side effects of this offer may include stupidity, vomiting, headaches, car wrecks, unexpected tatoos, wrecked marriages, and genital herpes. Side effects may be greatly increased by the consumption of alcohol, but are not limited to it.
Call now, operators are standing by!
Having said that, we need more federal holidays. Why? Because I want more days off (when I get off mission anyways.......)
Got any ideas? Festivus? National Harry Potter Day? Brad/Draginol's birthday? How 'bout National bake a nice pie and send it to NBS day? Yeah....mmmmmm.........pie..........Do your part! Write your senator, today!!!