Since my blog has been dying the death of a thousand days of not writing shit, I thought I'd touch base and let ya'll know what the latest project is. Oh yeah, and it's from Macbeth dammit. Jeez, nobody reads the frickin' classics anymore. Sigh......
So, it's not metal. Yet. (although I finally got a stick welder!!!!!) The latest deal is an illusion scarf. What's an illusion scarf? The idea is you've got what appears to be a normal scarf until you lift it at a slight angle, and WOW, SHIT!!!, WHERE DID THAT COME FROM????? an illusory picture magically appears. w00t.
Like this.

Nice, but not mine, mind you. There's not many themes out there though. The Linux penguin, alien heads, skulls, and God help us, some nice, queer little Harry Potter themed stuff like the Ravenclaw emblem. And yes, I know. Guy that knits, and I'm bitching about the gayness of somebody elses work. And knew enough about it to know exactly what it was in the Harry Potter world.......sigh, somebody punch the last hole out of my man card, will ya?
The short version (too late!) is that I decided to look at how they were put together and design my own. Manly types even. So, I've been putting together some Celtic knotwork designs, and dragon silhouettes, but I think the definite winner of the must try first category, is the infamous silhouetted mudflap girl. I mean really, after you think of something like that, how could you not?
You can pretty much do any design you can put into a dot matrix, like a fair isle pattern. But there's a downside. Think of it as a photo. More resolution equals lots more dots. So to get decent detail, since each dot is a stitch, that equals a lot of stitches, and the more you do, the smaller they have to be to fit in the same space.
But really. It'll be worth just to watch the Stitch and Bitch (their name for themselves, not mine) have a heart attack when I walk in the yarn shop.

Yours truly,