A stitch in time will get ya hooked.
Published on August 23, 2004 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
August 23, Copperas Cove, Texas.

Confessions of a Crosstitch junkie. Yes, I admit it, I can take it no more. The whole world must know, that I am a man. And..... I crosstitch GASP!!!!!!! I love it. I know needlepoint, crossstitch, daisy chain, satin stitch, the works. I've been addicted now for over two years, and it's kept me sane on many a night of cq or staff duty (various guard duties.) Bizarre, but true.

Yet I am still a man. My wrists are no limper than the next guy. When I pick up a needle, I don't get an urge to wear ladies evening dresses and lispth when I talkth. I still love manly man things such as restoring my Mustang, playing hockey, mowing the yard, marathon running, cats, cooking, decorating.....mmmm, nevermind.

At any rate, I picked it while by myself at a training school a couple years back and have loved it ever since. It's frustrating sometimes to put up with people whose sense of humor is only as developed as "You sew, are you some kinda sissy or something? (A first sergeant in Korea....not mine thank God.) But many guys think it's cool, and even want to swap designs.
I've heard of one famous football player that does it to relax, and that there are more than a few combat arms guys that pick it up for the same reason in their off time.

Getting late so I gotta go, couldn't make them appear on here, but here's a couple of the pieces I've done.


Link "

on Aug 24, 2004
Hey, whatever makes the time pass. I read comic books. Often not thought of as sissy, but looked down as being childish.