Next time you watch the olympics, take a close look at the marathon runners face. Look familiar...No?
Try walking into a drug rehab or a homeless shelter where they're not to picky about letting in junkies.
Why do we run? Is it that competitive edge, the joy of outdoors, or just the potential to someday
be skinnier than Sgt. Dissapears When You Look at Him Sideways.\
HELL NO! You do it because it gets you high. Don't believe the science version of naturally released dopamines and increased cardiovascular brain activity just because it's true.
The obvious answer is it kills brain cells. Ask any *(&&^!!! idiot who ever was dumb enough to stick glue or paint thinner up their nose. First you get dizzy, then it's like every cell in your forebrain is the terminal cancer patient who "never felt more alive."
They then go quietly into that dark night.......except for the Irish wake, and the New Orleans jazz funeral.
If that wasn't enough, there's the rapturous delight of Mule Deer Dodgeball. Because of the (laugh) urban development of Copperas Cove, Tx., all the deer in the lower parts of the town have been driven on to the hill where I live. Article will follow.
Due to strict city ordinances that Mussolini would have been proud to have thought of, you can't keep them from eating your garden, your trees, your housecat, or making kamikaze dives in front of your car. In short, they are tame, and no 30.06 can touch them.
So, it is with no small delight, when running in the cool of the night, (remember, texas is three inches from the sun...see greywar's article on same.) moving along in stealth mode, to run silently up to within five feet of a deer and yell BOO!!! at the top of your lungs, and watch the resultant explosion.
Dead tired from tonights run, so I'll end with this, it's a drug, it's addictive, it takes over your life, it replaces eating, sleeping, and sex, and all it will ever cost you is a pair of running shoes.