BUT WITH A HOOAH!!!!!!!!!!
Published on March 28, 2007 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
Write no more, I'm off to war!!!

I ain't gone yet, but it's close enough I'm stopping now to keep the timeline fuzzy for opsec type reasons. Ain't saying where or when I'm goin' or what I'm doin', but it oughta be fun! Plus, I'll finally be ought of the #$%%@!!! rain! Woot.

Maybe I'll get the chance to check in once in awhile, but in the meantime, don't expect anything for at least seven or eight months. Maybe not for the full tour. I can't break opsec there, 'cause nobody knows how long I'm gone. Hell, the democrats will probably vote the Army out of existence anyways in order to protect us poor, ignorant, defenseless tools of the evil, death lord "administration" from sacrifice. (note the delicate note of sarcasm over the way we're portrayed in the media?)

Regardless, ADMIN, PLEASE DON'T DELETE MY STUFF WHILE I'M DEPLOYED!!! UNLESS I GET MY BLOGGING HANDS BLOWN OFF, I'M COMING BACK. (and then I'll still probably blog with my tongue.......)

In the meantime, even if I get the opportunity, I'm probably not blogging while I'm over there. Maybe an occasional picture. If I have power. And access to internet. It's just too easy to get in trouble. They're paranoid about people giving away information that can violate security. And rightfully so, it's been done. My Space and such is an easy way to lose rank in Iraq.

I learned this by reading one of my favorite previous bloggers, Colby Buzzell, who served with what I believe was 2nd Striker Brigade in Mosul. Regardless, check out his book sometime, My War by Colby Buzzell. It's a good read.

To all my favorite bloggers, Greywar, psuedosoldier, singerdave, Dharma, Chiprj, LW, Wahine, Macleish, Mason, and parated wherever he is, I salute you and hope to read a huge backlog of all your best crap soon. To my parents and grandparents, (yes, it is really me, Deedaw, sorry about the foul language.......) Love ya'll, and see you soon.

To my wife, I miss you every day I'm away from you in the army, beautiful. Remember, you sustain me when I'm away. I love you, and I'll be home soon.

P.S. Squeeze my cat hello for me.

That's it!!! Don't worry much, this war is low risk, and believe me, I have a LOT of protective gear. And a very nice gun that I'm pretty good with and enjoy a lot. (It puts the lotion on the barrel, or else it get's the hose again.........) Have fun, and (In shah allah) I'll be home soon.

on Mar 28, 2007
Drop me a line since you aren't writing here B.
on Mar 28, 2007
Drop me a line since you aren't writing here B.

Erm, crap. Totally forgot your email addie. Really don't know what living conditions over there either. No internet (hell, no power) a strong possibility.
on Mar 28, 2007
Totally forgot your email addie.

You could almost certainly reach him through "official channels" (ie - AKO).

But, yowza on the no 'net/power comment.

on Mar 29, 2007
You may have better accesss than you think or at least I hope you will. Keep your eyes open and your head down.
on Mar 29, 2007
a big salute to you soldier!

we will be waiting and praying for your safe return.

thank you for your service.
on Mar 29, 2007
Be careful over there and return safely.
on Mar 29, 2007
I'll watch for your safe return
on Mar 29, 2007
Thomas."last"1@us.army.mil or tm"last"@yahoo

Be safe
on Mar 29, 2007
Stay safe. I'll be thinking about ya. Not that that helps anything, but...well. Heh.
on Mar 29, 2007
Take care, spc...come back home in one piece!