But not as we know it........
It's life, Jim
But not as we know it.
Tantalizing green women,
Night after night. (mr. sulu, take the helm)
If I give 'er any more she'll blow, indeed.
No, I can't diagnose that sore on the end of your.......well, after all,
Dammit, I'm a television actor, not a doctor, Jim.
You boldly went where no man did before, on a five year mission.
Seeking out new life........and lonely, single civilizations.
Set phasers to kill, indeed.
Don't look now, "kling-ons" on your......starboard bow.
So scream out KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, every time that you piss.
Highly illogical, captain.
Tantalizing green women,
Night after night,
Beam me up, indeed.
Whatever it is, it's life, Jim
But not as we know it.
But still.......... it beats the s--t out of being a red shirt.