And, since it's been awhile, a warm up.......

Two officers are sitting out on the edge of an airfield watching a private mowing grass. After talking for awhile, they start arguing over whether sex is 95 percent mental, or 95 percent physical. They argue and argue and finally one of them says, "You know what? That private over there is a lot younger than us and probably has way more sex. We'll go ask him, and whatever he says goes."

So, they go up to him and ask the question "Son, do you think that sex is 95 percent mental, or 95 percent physical?" The private thinks it over for a minute and says "Sir, I'm pretty damned sure it's 95 percent mental. 'Cause if it were 95 percent physical, I'd be doing it for you.........."

So, anyways, I'm out buying PS2 games to take with me to take to Iraq......okay, PS2 games and yarn, meh. Anyways I pull up to a light and lo. There for me to behold is a woman dressed up in a 8 ft tall Lady Liberty costume, complete with green robes, crown, and bright blond hair, advertising Liberty tax services. My wife and I see her and grin, and she waves. So I wave back..........and she bent over and lifted her skirt to show off her legs. Sweet.

Not as funny as when I was in a church bus as a kid, and two young and very undressed women pulled up next to us in a convertible, but almost. Plus, now I know what Stephen Colbert's wet dreams are like........

Yours truly,

Soon to follow, a witty, and entertaining article upon which I list some Army versions of traditional sayings, proverbs and aphorisms. Like "Home is where you have to go, and you have to leave again almost immediately to PCS, deploy, or just plain go to some "emergency" formation."

Or "A picture is worth a thousand times trying to remember what your family looks like after being gone for a year."

on Feb 24, 2007
"Sir, I'm pretty damned sure it's 95 percent mental. 'Cause if it were 95 percent physical, I'd be doing it for you.........."

on Feb 24, 2007
"A picture is worth a thousand times trying to remember what your family looks like after being gone for a year."

Never heard that one...but I'll start using it now!
on Feb 24, 2007
There for me to behold is a woman dressed up in a 8 ft tall Lady Liberty costume, complete with green robes, crown, and bright blond hair, advertising Liberty tax services.

I saw the exact same thing on Kemp Boulevard(right across from the mall) not a week ago. Coolness.
on Mar 02, 2007
! that's funny!