Published on November 5, 2006 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
"Education, if you make the most of it, study hard and make an effort to be smart, you can do well.

If you dont', you get stuck in Iraq" ~ John Kerry.

You know, in all the fuss and contraversy over this comment, something of vital importance has been overlooked.

Whether he was making fun of Bush for being stupid, or making a freudian slip about his true opinion of us troops.........

I've still got a higher GPA than both of them!!!!!!!!!!

So Nnyyeehh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

of course I'm still probably gonna get stuck in iraq next year.................frickin' Yale monkeys................."

on Nov 05, 2006

That's the funny thing about all of this.  Kerry was no Rhodes scholar, nor was Bush, but Bush had a better GPA than Kerry did and many of the people around Bush -- those dreaded "neocons" that got us into this war -- are highly educated individuals as well.

Kerry's flub was nothing less than a freudian slip and one that echos the true feelings of many in the Democrat party and among their liberal elite friends.  They all believe they are smarter than everyone else and only an idiot would join the military if given any other choice.

I could crack some jokes again about the only idiots I ever knew in the military being ones with brass on their shoulders, but I won't.  I do know that the average enlisted man is not the dolt that Kerry and his cronies make them out to be.  There may be a few bad apples out there (Lindy Englund anyone?), but most are just average individuals with a desire to serve their country.  Some may join the military because of external factors (like a broken love life), but most join because they want to serve or because they want to serve and earn money to use for education later.

Its been a while since I finished earlier phases in my education so I'd be calling on bad memory cells to try to recall official GPAs, but I'd guess I beat both Kerry and Bush.  Of course it doesn't really mean anything since I'm not a politician and don't have anything to do with what happens in Iraq (outside of voting for politicians that may or may not help influence what really happens there in the future).

on Nov 06, 2006
My GPA may be decent, but I'm too damned old to be drafted anyway!

There's one consolation when I wake up in the morning with a backache.