A novelty song by the trailerpark troubadours is now become my life.........
So two penguins are sitting on an ice floe, and one turns to the other one startled.
"Oh, you surprised me, I thought you were wearing a tuxedo."
The second penguin turns back to the first one and says, "Well, how do you know I'm not?"
Anyways, I've finally got a place to live. It's a little group of houses (or a town of sorts,) clustered around a highway and what used to be a mile wide river, called Hereford. But here's the sweet part.......I'm living in a double wide. Put the transmission on the front lawn honey, I'm home!!!
Alright, if you've been to arizona, you know I'm lying. There is no such thing as a lawn. Once you push aside all the things with thorns, and the things with teeth and claws, there's nothing much but dirt, and a few bunny rabbits.
I've got four acres fenced in, two storage sheds, one of which I promptly locked myself out of, an eighteen wheeler trailer for storage, and (tee hee) a barn! I couldn't figure out what else to do with it, so I put my Mustang in there........how apropos.
When I get my furnace set up again, I'm going to start doing casting and smithing out there too. Probably going to wait until it cools down though. I looked at my porch thermometer last friday, and it was 110 in the shade at 10 in the morning. I had a couple of people say it was probably just the thermometer, so I checked it against another one. Fie! Fie on you I say!!!
I got curious about that whole in the shade thing, so I moved it in the sunlight, and in about five minutes it read 128. I know that's not any kind of accurate ambient temperature rating, but jeez..........
I'm also finding the occasional piece of copper ore, and I look forward a great deal to trying to melt it from rock instead of scrap if I can save enough up. I'm also running again, although my milage is sucking right now at about 20 to 25 miles a week. I did run a mountain on post twice now, but nobody at work believes me, so where's the fun in that? (83 percent sarcastic)
Last but not least, I saw Lady in the Water this last weekend, and while it didn't suck the way The Village did, M Night was still a little stilted, and it felt wierd. Plus they tried to pass Koreans off as some kind of strange mainland (I think they were thinking some small village back in the sticks China) Asian, and it didn't feel right. I dunno. The acting was great, and he's still got my vote as a great director after Sixth Sense, Signs, and Unbreakable.
A limerick review will eventually follow. But I've got a computer again (dialup with an accelerator.......sigh.....rural life,) and I'm back!
As always,
still-a-specialist, nobody special.