please finish this BEFORE you start flaming.
Published on November 6, 2005 By Spc Nobody Special In Humor
That's right boys and girls, you've read about it in the newspaper, it was in the movies, you've seen it on tv, it must be true! We the Christians of America are hate-mongering bigots, and we're judging you, even as we speak!

Got a pre-conceived notion of how horrible we are? Well just add that we eat babies, and you'll be on the right track. Are you gay? Well then, I hate you personally. I'm judging your lifestyle. How dare you, you filthy pervert, you.

Are you muslim? Sweet. I'm going to elect a president that's part of an evil global conspiracy to keep you poor by stealing your oil and oppressing your people through horrible completely unprovoked warfare. Hey, it doesn't make me rich, but I'm 100 percent behind "The Man". Oh, yeah, and incedently it stops that genocide thing you've been doing with the Kurds.

Into abortion? Well then, you're going to hell. Baby killer.

Excuse me a sec, I've got to fall down on the floor and speak in tongues for a bit. I'm trying to be careful, what with handling snakes at the same time and all. ARWFGEIHHBAIOWEHRYF*YH%!QU*$HTIUGHAFQAITHH.....ouch, has anyone seen the anti-venin and the bactine?

Now back to business. Where were we, ah yes. Changing the constitution. I'm personally making sure that a law goes through congress that you will learn nothing but creation theory in school. (after all, turn about is fair play, right?) We're putting up copies of the ten commandments in your home. Two if you're in the ACLU. After that, you're going to have to get that tattoo removed. Put a skirt on, you Jezebel. And you, cut your hair, you damned hippy.

Les' see, mandatory church attendance and baptisms on Sundays, demon exorcisms on tuesdays, choir practice on wednesday nights, oppressing those of other races and denominations on thursdays, am I leaving anything out? Of course, practical hypocrisy class on friday could I forget? All good christians are hypocrites too, right?

Well that's all for now, I've got to go work on my script. Next month we're re-enacting the Spanish Inquisition to honor baby Jesus at Christmas, and I get to play Toquemada! We've got a new prop guy, who's bringing in real jews, and real red-hot pokers!!! Then we're all going to a baby-flesh banquet after and lie about how great we are! flesh.

Having said all that, I say this. Don't believe everything you see in the media or floating around the internet.

No, we're not judging you. At least if we're doing it right, we're not judging you. We DO have to acknowledge sin, and avoid doing it, and sin is an example of absolute morality, or in other words, it doesn't change to be politically correct. Basically, if God says it's a no-no, then it's wrong. No. matter. what. However, we are to love sinners, and hate the sin. Hate sin. Not people. Easy enough.

We're not all raving psychos either. Despite the common portrayal as a bunch of fringe lunatics, if religion wasn't basically good, people wouldn't become involved. It wouldn't survive here in a country with so much inherent freedom. Faith is not rational, but it isn't automatically foolish either. This is not to say that there is not ignorance among christians, and failure to practice their beliefs perfectly, but that's easy enough to say about almost anyone, even {gasp} people who are against christianity!!!

Altruism alone doesn't cut it. If you don't serve God, then one way or another, you're making it up as you go. If it's not absolute, then how can it be moral? How can you decide with nothing firm to base it on? Then again, no-one is good enough to do it on their own. "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." But then, no-one is so wicked that they can't recieve God's salvation. Do Christians still sin? You bet ya. Even Lutherans.

"Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul and all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself. These are the two greatest Commandments." "Oh yes, and don't eat babies.........." "No. not even if you did get dental floss this time........" "alright, maybe just one........." 2nd Apertifs, Ch 2. vs. 4-8.

on Nov 07, 2005

"Oh yes, and don't eat babies.........."

Is this one of the lost 5 commandments that Mosses dropped on his way down the mountain?

!  This is great!  Thanks for the humor.

on Nov 07, 2005
Great blog Spc and badly needed by some people!

"Having said all that, I say this. Don't believe everything you see in the media or floating around the internet.

No, we're not judging you. At least if we're doing it right, we're not judging you. We DO have to acknowledge sin, and avoid doing it, and sin is an example of absolute morality, or in other words, it doesn't change to be politically correct. Basically, if God says it's a no-no, then it's wrong. No. matter. what. However, we are to love sinners, and hate the sin. Hate sin. Not people. Easy enough.

We're not all raving psychos either. Despite the common portrayal as a bunch of fringe lunatics, if religion wasn't basically good, people wouldn't become involved. It wouldn't survive here in a country with so much inherent freedom. Faith is not rational, but it isn't automatically foolish either. This is not to say that there is not ignorance among christians, and failure to practice their beliefs perfectly, but that's easy enough to say about almost anyone, even {gasp} people who are against christianity!!!

Altruism alone doesn't cut it. If you don't serve God, then one way or another, you're making it up as you go. If it's not absolute, then how can it be moral? How can you decide with nothing firm to base it on? Then again, no-one is good enough to do it on their own. "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." But then, no-one is so wicked that they can't recieve God's salvation. Do Christians still sin? You bet ya. Even Lutherans."

Very well said!

"Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul and all thy mind, and love thy neighbor as thyself. These are the two greatest Commandments." "Oh yes, and don't eat babies.........." "No. not even if you did get dental floss this time...."

And funny too lol!

on Nov 07, 2005
Is this one of the lost 5 commandments that Mosses dropped on his way down the mountain?

It's more of an apocryphal text from the little known "Oh crap I forgot to tell ya scrolls," recently discovered in the Not-Quite-So-Holy-As-That-One-Over-There Lands. However, it is clearly backed up in the commandments concerning the eating of unclean beasts in Leviticus and Deuteronomy.

For example, Leviticus 11 clearly says that almost everything that creeps is a no-no. Or the infamous Thou shalt not boil a kid in it's mothers milk in Deuteronomy 14. (sure, you say it's about goats, not children, but then everything is goats with you, isn't it?)

Got milk?

Very well said!

on Nov 07, 2005

~Stands clapping~

This was hilarious and so well put, reminded me a little bit of LW's article about being white when its not politically correct to do funny!

Really I was laughing out loud!

on Nov 08, 2005
I laughed, I cried, I burned a Bible... no wait... I hit Insightful... yeah thats what I did.