Published on October 5, 2004 By Spc Nobody Special In Current Events
Enter my rant. This is not a nice article. This is not a funny, cute article about zombie deer, or squirrels with enormous nuts. This is an down and out, set your flamethrower to kill, kiss my ass 'til my hat falls off rant. Be warned.

I am weary, weary of soldiers being portrayed in the media as the poor pathetic victims of an oppresive, money grubbing, oil loving government, headed by a pyschopathic commander in chief, hell bent on a religious war of destruction.

I am also sick to death of seeing soldiers place their butts on the line, doing an amazing job, taking fire only to be shot in the back by a liberal media that reverses the story of what occured, while the soldiers are demonized, and their story is overlooked, ignored, or can't be told because it would affect operational and intelligence security. My God, the enemy couldn't buy the propaganda that they are getting for free from sources like CNN, NPR, and major AMERICAN news associations.

I am proud of what I do. I don't always like it, but I am PROUD. I am no mindless drone, plucked up by the government, and set to kill, kill, kill in a bloody mindless frenzy against a buch of poor, peaceful, downtrodden women and children who were no doubt on their way to the mosque for a long prayer meeting.

I choose to do what I do. I'm M.I. and I help hunt down terrorists. Not the innocents that a liberal media would have you believe are killed every time we fire a weapon. Bad guys. Nasty, angry, twisted people, who deny any peace that their religion proclaims. Murderers. People who kill anyone, anyone, if it furthers their cause. Sometimes, shockingly enough, I don't even help kill people. Sometimes, I just help save lives, or make a foreign country a more decent, safer place to live.

I believe in what I do. What we, myself and my colleagues do. We are not merely pointed and released like a bullet from a gun. If I am deployed, it is because I chose to allow it. If I am stoplossed, bitch though I may, I put myself here, knowing exactly what I was doing, and why.

I believe that we are finally doing right in Iraq by this war. Who gives a shit whether Saddam Hussein actually had WMDs, or just intended to get them again eventually. This is a killer. A mass murderer. A tyrant. A man who let his people starve by the millions, and ruled his people by fear. Even many of the people fighting us in Iraq today are thankful that he's gone at last, even though they hate us so bitterly. I believe we did right, and I don't give a damn why we went, just that we went, and we are making a difference.

While I do appreciate the sacrifice of each casualty, I am amazed at what has been accomplished with so very little. A thousand deaths? Please. In our earlier wars, that would hardly make more than a skirmish. What about the literally millions of lives we have changed for the better? I would put my life on the line for that. And that is exactly what so many have done.

I beg you not to belittle the sacrifices they made, by making soldiers out to be the innocent, abused pawns in a larger power game by George W. and Big Brother. Ollie North was full of shit. It's not about merely following orders. We do it because we chose to. We don't fight for oil. We don't fight just because the presidents says so. We fight to help others, to protect our nation, and for our fellow soldiers. We fight, because we don't believe that freedom can be achieved without occasional renewal by blood. Our blood if necessary.

You may believe that peace is the best way to resolve conflict. I agree. That's why american soldiers place themselves in harms way, against violent men, so that you, and people around the world can have the peace, and the freedom necessary to criticize them indirectly by saying, "oh, you poor innocent things, how terrible that you have to serve in this obviously wrong war that you no doubt couldn't avoid." No more condecension, please. This is our army, all volunteer, our choice to be here.

Pissed off one time too many and going to bed,
Spc Nobody Special

on Oct 06, 2004
See, this is what happens when you decide not to rant... someone steals your very thoughts (where did that tin foil go?), all jumbled with the emotions of the moment, edits out the naughty words (of which I know many, in several languages - and I repeated many of them when I read the inspiration for this post), and sets about to write something that may be self labeled as a rant, but is in truth a very well thought out post. Intelligently written and spoken from the heart. I don't have anything to add, just to echo, "How dare someone make light of my (and all service members') choices."

Thanks for this. It's much the same way I was feeling, just without the foul language.
on Oct 06, 2004
Right on, brother! Keep the faith! I am also tired of the media portrayal, telling the world I'm a helpless pawn caught up in a web of deception fighting a losing battle. I'm a professional soldier doing a hard job in a hard place, and I take great pride in doing it well. Thanks fro speaking your mind.
on Oct 07, 2004
RIght fuckin on!
on Oct 08, 2004
Wow! What a great post. I am proud of you for your voluntary service to your country and for this post.

I think your words below show just why we respect all of you who serve on purpose to protect us and help to make this world a better place.

"I am no mindless drone, plucked up by the government, and set to kill, kill, kill in a bloody mindless frenzy against a buch of poor, peaceful, downtrodden women and children who were no doubt on their way to the mosque for a long prayer meeting. I choose to do what I do."

You earned an insightful from me.
on Oct 08, 2004
Great article.

on Oct 08, 2004

Yes, yes and yes!!


on Oct 08, 2004
Your Rant is so much better than these sell alleged experts on T.V. telling us what solders think. You are there, you know what's really going on. On the ground fighting the war, you know far better than biased Media what is truly going on. Thank you for your post it is truly enlightening.
on Oct 08, 2004
You are there

Only if you mean, you are there in texas, for right now. Half my company is deployed, and a big chunk of my battalion, but we're working hard at home to provide support to the folks over there.
on Oct 16, 2004
Damn SPC, im left speachless! Great job! We need to get this article to the media....well they don't want a real persons story so I guess thats out.