I was listening to NPR this morning, and I once again heard the inevitable discussion of the withdrawal of combat troops in Iraq. Surprisingly enough (did you know that sarcasm comes from the greek, sarkasmos, the biting of ones lips in anger?) the interviewer suggested that the best we could do in the war was to withdraw our troops with a modicum of dignity.
However, having listened to a former Great talk about "peace with honor", (and no, really, he is not a crook!), I know that it is possible to withdraw from a war years before it seems feasible and be victorious. Hell, even Bush and Stephen Colbert both declared the war a victory (grant you, it was six years apart.....).
As a veteran of this war, I am glad to know that we are finally turning over Iraq into the competent hands of the Iraqi police and military security forces, whom I would without a doubt trust my lives to. After all, we know they're able and free of insurgents. They must be after we've arrested and purged so many of them time and time again. Friendly fire incidents do happen, but I completely understand how they could have made so many mistakes, seeing as how US forces and your common insurgent appear so much alike. I've been back in the States now for over a year, and in that time, I haven't personally seen one Iraqi detainee that has been tortured by Iraqi security forces.
Everyone knows that the majority of the funding and training for the insurgencies (which no longer exist, right?) come from outside the country anyways, (I'm looking at you, Iran, and while I'm thinking about it, you lead the world in rhinoplasties, and the entire region in other plastic surgeries, could you please do something about Ahmadinejad's ears? I mean seriously, they're messing up my broadband connection.)
And of course, without US troops present, these countries will naturally return their influence and power seeded throughout the Iraqi government, back over to the Iraqi people. Thank God their influence will finally pass, and Iraq will be able to reach the same levels of peace, dignity, and human rights as other Islamic countries, like Palestine, Pakistan, or well, Iran.
Mostly, I'm glad that I served well, and meaningfully, and I think of what the victory will mean to Iraq. Just imagine, for example, all the insurgents that will die once we've turned it over. Al-Qaeda will once again be able to slay Shia insurgents, and vice-versa. If it keeps up long enough, someday, Iraq may be as prosperous and democratic as Cambodia or Vietnam. After all, we're sending it on exactly the same road to stability.
V for victory!