Actually, that was my subtitle. It was just too good to put down here where nobody'd read it.
Published on October 14, 2006 By Spc Nobody Special In Entertainment
Yeesh!!!!!!! The first one was scary the first couple of times, but holy crap!

In short, I watched the Grudge 2 yesterday, and it scared the beejeesus out of me. It takes a lot to get me going. When I watched Silence of the Lambs, I rolled over to go to sleep. (of course my wife shook me awake and made me watch 45 minutes of fantasia with her......) The only horror movie to ever give me nightmares, was Night of the Living Dead. And I was eight.

I think even better, was the fact that the auditorium was full of high school kids. Not that this is usually a good thing, but they were scared into submission early on, and only opened their mouth to scream. (not that I screamed like a girl......5 or 6......dozen times.....) Truly an awesome movie.

The part when the girl was pulled right out of the inside of her clothes especially might keep me up for a few days. (no, that's not a spoiler, it was in the previews.) Definitely go see this movie. Unless you suffer from hypertension, high blood pressure, or a heart condition. But take an extra pair of pants. Maybe two. You'll need them.

Signing off to do another article about knitting and go watch John Carpenter's The Thing,

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